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Pearl Capital B.V. is highly selective in referring to other websites. However, it cannot vouch for the content and functioning of those websites, nor for the quality of any products and/or services offered on them. References to websites not maintained by Pearl Capital B.V. are included solely for the information of the visitor. The content of this website may only be used by the user for obtaining information. Pearl Capital B.V. holds copyright on the content of the website. It is not allowed to reproduce, transmit, distribute, disseminate, or make the content of the site available to third parties for a fee without the express written permission of Pearl Capital B.V.

Contact Max

Max has an extensive professional background in the real estate and financial sectors, and boasts more than 10 years of experience in this trade.

He specialised as a wealth advisor over his ten-year career. During this time, he has built an impressive breadth and depth of knowledge of financial planning, asset management, investments, and risk management.

Investor Event

Thursday, January 25th
, we will have another investor event. Will you be there? Register now for this event!